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WorkHub On Union Supported By:

With assistance from:

Finck & Perras Insurance Agency

Williston Northampton School


In 2020, the City of Easthampton undertook an extensive analysis of the economic climate of the city relative to entrepreneurialism and innovation - Blueprint Easthampton.

The analysis identified that, while Easthampton has a broad array of services for varying types of entrepreneurs, more could be done - and should be done - to better deliver technical assistance services locally.

According to Kauffman Foundation research, companies less than one year old create an average of 1.5 million jobs per year over the past three decades.*

Blueprint Easthampton revealed that businesses would choose to "relocate or to locate in Easthampton if a supportive entrepreneurial community could be better enhanced and marketed."

It's simple: The more contacts entrepreneurs can make early in the life of their companies – that is, the more help and information they can access – the greater their chances of getting products developed, finding viable markets, surviving the first years, and growing toward success.

Who better than The Chamber of Greater Easthampton to be a natural partner  - and so, WorkHub on Union was born.

What is WorkHub on Union?

This innovative co-working space will serve as a dynamic hub where local professionals, creative minds, and innovators can converge to foster collaboration, idea exchange, and networking.

Focusing on the "gray" economy, WorkHub on Union will target the needs of solopreneurs, freelancers, homebased businesses, and entrepreneurs to:

  • Support small businesses and job growth
  • Promote entrepreneurship and encourage start ups
  • Address downtown revitalization needs
  • Support cultural and ethnic organizations and local identity

While it may be hard to quantify, there are at least 13,600 small companies in Hampshire County that are registered as businesses, pay federal taxes, but have no employees. These companies are an ideal market for the proposed space. 

What's Next?

The Chamber is in the process of securing additional funding and construction is underway. The project is expected to be completed by early summer.

Watch its progress here.

As you can imagine, this is an immense undertaking and one we cannot do alone.

If your business is interested in learning more or providing support for this unique endeavor, contact Moe Belliveau today at 527-9414 or by email to learn how you can help make this a reality!


The Importance of Young Firms for Economic Growth by Jason Wiens and Chris Jackson.

Ready to find out more?

This project is supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number 21.027 awarded to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. Funding has also been provided by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Economic Development through the Collaborative Workspace Program administered by MassDevelopment.